segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

Digable Planets

Uma das inúmeras bandas de hiphop dos anos 90 que surgiram e desapareceram sem muito alarde. Hiphop oldschool sampleado com jazz de muitíssimo bom gosto e uma vocalista, Mary Ann "Ladybug Mecca" com uma voz lindíssima. Ao invés do tradicional YO DAWG IM A RAPPER TREAT YOUR WOMAN RIGHT MY BUTT IS BIG que se escuta das vocalistas negras de hiphop, Ladybug rima sensualmente, delicadamente. Deleite.

One of the innumerable hiphop bands from the nineties that have come up and gone out without making too much fuss. Oldschool hiphop with excellent jazz samples and a vocalist, Mary Ann "Ladybug Mecca" with a beautiful marvelous voice. Instead of the traditional YO DAWG IM A RAPPER TREAT YOUR WOMAN RIGHT MY BUTT IS BIG that you're used to hear from black hiphop female singers, Ladybuf sensually rhymes, sweetly. Delight.

1993 - Reachin' (A New Refutation of Time and Space) Download

1994 - Blowout Comb Download

Downloads retirados do ótimo blog/Downloads taken off from the great blog:

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